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Llorach R; Medina S; García-Viguera C.; Zafrilla P; Abellán J; Jáuregui O; Tomás-Barberán FA; Gil-Izquierdo A; Andres-Lacueva C (2014) Discovery of Human Urinary Biomarkers of Aronia-Citrus juice intake by HPLC-q-TOF-based Metabolomic Approach Electrophoresis 35(11):1599-606. PubMed
Tomás-Barberán FA; Andres-Lacueva C (2012) Polyphenols and Health: Current State and Progress Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2012;60(36):8773-8775. PubMed
Tulipani S; Urpi-Sarda M; García-Villalba R; Rabassa M; López-Uriarte, P; Bulló M; Jáuregui O; Tomás-Barberán FA; Salas-Salvadó J; Diez-Espino J; Andres-Lacueva C (2012) Urolithins Are the Main Urinary Microbial-Derived Phenolic Metabolites Discriminating a Moderate Consumption of Nuts in Free-Living Subjects with Diagnosed Metabolic Syndrome. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2012;60(36):8930-8940.  PubMed